Natacha Jaitt was difficult to classify: model, driver, she also defined herself as a sex worker

A life marked by scandals: who Natacha Jaitt was
Sex, drugs, prostitution and gender violence were some of the issues that marked the life of the media, which died at age 41 in circumstances still to be clarified.

 Fame Shows
Natacha Jaitt

Natacha Jaitt was difficult to classify: model, driver, she also defined herself as a sex worker. But always marked by a very high exposure. Therefore, the term media was the most used to present it. In his 41 years of life (he was born on August 13, 1977) since he became known in the media, he starred in scandal after another.

His beginnings were in Spain, in the reality show Big Brother, in 2004, where he won followers for his sexual confessions with no taboos. In that country he also worked as a panelist in the Martian Chronicles program and later led a series on Playboy TV.

Natacha Jaitt in the Mitha Legrand program, in March 2018 denouncing celebrities for pedophilia.

In 2007 she returned to Argentina and soon began to become known for her appearances on television where she had sexual situations without taboos, as when she simulated a live orgasm in the Chiche Gelblung program.

He also had a brief passage through the theater in a play by Gerardo Sofovich, he participated in the Dancing for a Dream and had his own program in America called Natacha ignite your senses.

Natacha made nude productions for magazines such as Playboy, Interviú and several others. And he also participated in porn movies. In addition, he conducted radio programs and made appearances in clubs.

Natacha Jaitt retires from the courts of Avellaneda in April 2018 after declaring cases of abuse in Independiente .. Photo Pedro Lázaro Fernández.
Natacha Jaitt retires from the courts of Avellaneda in April 2018 after declaring cases of abuse in Independiente .. Photo Pedro Lázaro Fernández.

He had two children, Antonella (20) and Valentino (13), the latter fruit of his relationship with the actor Adrián Yospe with whom he maintained a conflictive relationship until his death in 2011. His great family support was his brother Ulises , radio driver.

How the daughter and brother of Natacha Jaitt learned about his death

 Natacha Jaitt in his last appearance in the Courts to denounce that he was a victim of sexual abuse, last January. Alfredo Martinez Pictures
Natacha Jaitt in his last appearance in the Courts to denounce that he was a victim of sexual abuse, last January. Alfredo Martinez Pictures

In 2017, it was one of the voices that most sounded in the scandal unleashed by allegations of child abuse in the Club Atlético Independiente. Natacha provided names that, according to his own research, involved well-known people from the field of football, politics and journalism.

In one of Mirtha Legrand's programs, in March of last year, Natacha came forward with alleged evidence and gave several names of alleged child molesters. "I'm not going to commit suicide, I'm not going to spend money and drown in a bathtub, I'm not going to hit any shot, so if that happens, I did not, keep tweet," he wrote at the time in his account. Twitter

 Natacha Jaitt that they reflowed after his death
"I'm not going to commit suicide": the old tweet and the video of Natacha Jaitt that they reflowed after his death
Mirtha Legrand herself came out on her next show to apologize for the scandal unleashed. And he even admitted that it was the worst moment of his career.

Another one that came out to speak after the program of the controversy was the journalist Mercedes Ninci, who was a guest along with Natacha in the broadcast that day. Both maintained a confrontation in the table of Mirtha that continued it in the social networks, and even, in Courts later.

Among other things, in addition, in 2017, Natacha told of a relationship he had had with the former soccer player Diego Latorre and that sparked another new scandal that confronted her, mainly with the panelist Yanina Latorre, the player's wife. There was talk of extortion, prostitution, all kinds of complaints and judgments.

Natacha publicly counted on more than one occasion his drug addiction and also reported several times having been a victim of gender violence. Last year she appeared in court, painted red as if bloody, to denounce her partner at that time for hitting her.

The most recent of the allegations of gender violence was in January of this year when she reported that she was raped by Maximiliano Giusto and Pablo Yotich, her acquaintances.
