Sisu 2019 opens registrations this Tuesday; Ask your questions and learn how it works

Sisu 2019 opens registrations this Tuesday; Ask your questions and learn how it works

The Unified Selection System (Sisu) has opened applications for candidates wishing to compete in participating public universities on Tuesday (22). Through the note from the National High School Examination (Enem), 235,461 students will be selected for 129 institutions.

It is possible to register until Friday, the 25th.

Below, see the main questions about Sisu:

Who can participate in Sisu?

To participate, you must have made the Enem 2018 and made a note above zero in the essay. The individual results of the exam were released last Friday (18) and can be viewed on the participant's page. Simply enter the CPF and the password entered into the system.

What is Sisu for?

Sisu offers 235,461 places in several public universities. It is no longer necessary to take a college entrance exam for each one - through this system, the candidate uses the Enem grade to apply for a place in the 129 participating educational institutions.

How it works?

Sisu is a system that uses the Enem grade to select students who wish to study at public universities in the country. It works like this:

as of January 22, the candidate must enter the Sisu website (
on the system page, it is possible to search by university, course or municipality. For example: "dentistry" in "Curitiba". The system will display all the institutions in the state capital that have vacancies in this graduation.
the candidate must choose two places to dispute and confirm the registration for them. Attention: you must indicate the order of preference.
When this is done, it is best that the candidate stay tuned until Friday, the 25th, when the system will close the registrations. You can change the course options over the course of the week, based on the partial cut notes that are posted.

What are these cutting notes?

Sisu publishes, once a day, a partial cut for each modality and course. It is a reference to help the student enroll in an option in which they actually have a chance of passing.

It is calculated as follows: assuming there are 30 widely-competed places in physical education at X. On the first day, 60 applicants apply for this option. Among them, those who have the top 30 grades in the Enem will be approved. That is: the cut note will be the 30th highest. Example: 642 points.

If, the next day, students with better performance enroll, this level will rise. Therefore, it is important to be aware and select options where there is real chance of approval. If the candidate's grade is 450, it will hardly be selected in a course with a minimum score of 642. It is worth looking for another option.

It is good to repeat: the cutting note is just a reference. Even after the last one is released on Friday, other participants can sign up by the end of the day - which changes the minimum grade. Consequently, it is only possible to know if it was actually approved when the results are published (28/01).

What happens if I only go through the second option?

If the candidate is selected only in the second course option, this will be your only opportunity to enroll for Sisu. He will not be able to participate in the waiting list.

What happens if I do not go through any of the options? 

I take part in the waiting list?
If the candidate is not approved, he / she will need to express interest in participating in the waiting list. He must choose one of the course options to try again.

Each university will provide a certain number of vacancies based on those that were not occupied on the 1st call.

Why is my Enem grade different in each university?

Universities attach a weight to the grade of each test of the Enem. It is not enough to add the performance in each component (natural sciences + human sciences + languages ​​+ mathematics + writing) and divide by 5.

For example, a medical course in Faculty X can calculate an average in which the discipline of the sciences of nature has more importance than that of languages.

What does "wide competition" mean?

It is the vacancies that do not enter into the quota system and affirmative policies in general.

How to participate in quotas?

Under the Cotas Law, all universities participating in Sisu must reserve a portion of the vacancies for students who have completed high school in the public network. Of these, half will be destined to candidates with monthly family income per person of up to 1.5 minimum wage.

Institutions also have the right to create their own affirmative actions. They can, for example, give a bonus in the note of autodeclarados candidates black, pardos or indigenous.

Even if I sign up for Sisu, can I join Prouni?

The candidate enrolled in Sisu can also enroll in the University for All Program (Prouni) if he / she meets the program's criteria. If you pass both, you must choose only one option.

It is not permissible for a Sisu student to study simultaneously in a private university by Prouni.

Calendar of Sisu 1st half of 2019
Registration: 22/1 to 25/1
1st call: 28/1
First Call Registration: 30/1 to 4/2
Waiting list inscription: 28/1 to 4/2
Calls from other calls: from 7/2
