BBB 19: After Paula's play, Maycon cries: 'I do not think I'm pretty' Stay inside Brothers Day, marked also by Vanderson's departure

BBB 19: After Paula's play, Maycon cries: 'I do not think I'm pretty'
Stay inside Brothers Day, marked also by Vanderson's departure


Tiago Leifert started the program this Wednesday (23/1) talking about Vanderson's disqualification, the presenter said that he left BBB 19 due to personal problems and that this was communicated to the participants as a legal matter (Rízia cried foul his). After that, the program followed with a tribute to Vinícius, brother who said goodbye to the house on Tuesday (22/1).

Participants also celebrated Rizia's birthday, after singing the congratulations to her, sister gave an emotional speech when talking about anxiety. She confessed that she has lived through difficult times in life, but that today she is very happy to be in the house.

Paula and Hariany began discussing the strategy of combining voting to defend themselves against the wall. Gabriela confessed to Paula that she voted for her on the wall, "I needed to tell you so I could look into your eyes."

The brothers also made their first buy in the BBB market. They agreed not to buy chocolate for the money to make more food. Each participant bought them individually with a few seconds to choose.

A prank of Paula made Maycon cry. The sister played in the pool, in front of other participants, when she said that Maycon was not pretty. Then in the bedroom, he cried as he ventured with Tereza: "I do not have self-esteem, I do not think I'm handsome."

Then, live, the brothers went to the Wednesday party with the theme "Big Inventions of Mankind."
