Michael Dertouzos on 82nd birth

Google Doodle respects PC researcher Michael Dertouzos on 82nd birth commemoration 

NEW DELHI: Google Doodle on Monday paid its tribute to Greek educator Michael Leonidas Dertouzos on his introduction to the world commemoration.

Conceived on November 5, 1936, Dertouzos was an educator at the branch of Electrical building and software engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The PC researcher filled in as the Director of MIT Laboratory for Computer Science from 1974 to 2001.

Dertouzos was instrumental in characterizing the World Wide Web Consortium. In 1968, he helped to establish Computek, Inc., a maker of designs and shrewd terminals with Marvin C. Lewis and Dr. Huber Graham.

As ahead of schedule as 1980, Dertouzos was expounding on "The Information Marketplace" an idea that he developed in his book 1997 book What Will Be: How the New World of Information Will Change Our Lives.

Demanding the significance of bringing "innovation into our lives, and not the other way around," Dertouzos prodded LCS to head up the 1999 Oxygen venture in organization with MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab. The objective of this huge venture was to make PCs "as common a piece of our condition as the air we relax."

One of the well known expressions of the researcher is "We committed a major error 300 years back when we isolated innovation and humanism... It's a great opportunity to assemble the two back."
